Nova is written with the following design guidelines in mind:
- 組成的基礎架構:快速擴充運算
- 高可用性: 支援可延展到非常重的計算工作量
- 容錯:隔離錯誤計算,避免連鎖錯誤
- 可恢復度: 故障應該很容易診斷,調試和糾正
- 開放標準: 做一個可參考實現一個共同驅動的API
- API Compatibility:致力於提供API的兼容與廣為流傳使用的系統,像Amazon的EC2Amazon EC2
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 協定
The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe), reliability and security[1].AMQP mandates the behaviour of the messaging provider and client to the extent that implementations from different vendors are truly interoperable, in the same way as SMTP, HTTP, FTP, etc. have created interoperable systems. Previous attempts to standardise middleware have happened at the API level (e.g. JMS) and this did not create interoperability[2]. Unlike JMS, which merely defines an API, AMQP is a wire-level protocol. A wire-level protocol is a description of the format of the data that is sent across the network as a stream of octets. Consequently any tool that can create and interpret messages that conform to this data format can interoperate with any other compliant tool irrespective of implementation language.Hardware: OpenStack components are intended to run on standard hardware.
Operating System: OpenStack currently runs on Ubuntu and the large scale deployments running OpenStack run on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, so deployment-level considerations tend to be Ubuntu-centric. Community members are testing installations of OpenStack Compute for CentOS and RHEL and documenting their efforts on the OpenStack wiki at Be aware that CentOS 6 is the most viable option (not 5.5) due to nested dependencies.
Networking: 1000 Mbps are suggested. For OpenStack Compute, networking is configured on multi-node installations between the physical machines on a single subnet. For networking between virtual machine instances, three network options are available: flat, DHCP, and VLAN.
Database: For OpenStack Compute, you need access to either a PostgreSQL or MySQL database, or you can install it as part of the OpenStack Compute installation process.
Permissions: You can install OpenStack Compute either as root or as a user with sudo permissions if you configure the sudoers file to enable all the permissions.